What Programming Languages Are Used at Amazon?

What programming languages are used at Amazon

Are you an Amazon employee, and you want to know what programming languages they use? You’re not alone. Amazon uses a lot of different programming languages, ranging from Python to JavaScript to Scala. But which ones are they using the most?

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is one of the best software frameworks for building web applications. It is easy to use, reliable, and highly secure. In fact, many big companies are using this framework to build their websites.

One of the most popular Ruby on Rails projects is Twitter. Built in a short amount of time, the platform is used by over 80 million people. The application is based on the MVC architecture.

Another major Ruby on Rails project is Etsy, a website that links retailers with potential customers. With more than 50 million registered users and nearly two million vendors, the company has proven its worth as an e-commerce leader.

Etsy also used Ruby on Rails to streamline system integrations. This allowed the company to maintain a robust database while seamlessly implementing new features.


JavaScript is a programming language used to develop dynamic web pages. It is an object-oriented scripting language that allows developers to build clickable buttons, pop-up menus, and rich web content.

JavaScript is commonly used for web development, especially in the front-end. The language is lightweight, which makes it easy to learn and use.

There are many languages that are popular among software developers. Some of the top programming languages are C++, Java, Python, and Ruby. Each of these programs are designed to facilitate rapid application development.

Many cloud computing service providers use Java. Amazon, for example, runs on Java for its backend services.

Python is a highly versatile programming language. It is known for its large support libraries and reusable code snippets.

JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language that is compatible with other programming languages. This allows developers to create pop-up menus, complex animations, and clickable buttons.


Rust is a newer programming language which offers some features that are not found in other languages. Its performance, security, and memory support make it a great choice for developers.

Rust has been used by many large companies, including Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Dropbox, Discord, and many more. It can be considered the next-gen programming language, and has a chance to replace other popular languages like Objective-C and Ruby.

However, Rust has its drawbacks, and it does take some time to master. Developing software in it is not as easy as it seems.

Rust has a very steep learning curve, but it is very useful for developers who want to create safe, high-performance software. The language also makes it easier to write concurrent programs.

As a result, Rust is one of the fastest-growing programming languages on the planet. In fact, Rust has been ranked as the most popular developer language for five years in a row.


Amazon uses Python, a programming language, to power several of its services, including its product recommendation system. The company also uses it to analyze customer buying habits and search patterns.

Python is a high-level interpreted language with a simple syntax and a wide range of applications. It is also easy to learn. You can develop serverless apps using it, and there are many frameworks for mobile development.

For instance, it has a robust web development framework and advanced concurrency management tools. However, it’s not the best option for server-side scripting, since it’s a bit restricted in design.

Another example of Python’s use is its compatibility with AWS Lambda environments. This allows you to automate AWS resources and build serverless applications.

In fact, Google and other big tech companies have made Python a staple of their technology stacks. It’s used for serverless applications, machine learning, data analysis, and many other useful tasks.